To protect the squeamish, I won’t include any gory surgical photos in this article. This is a message for those who are invincible and immortal. 
This is a true story, by me. 
Four weeks ago, I had a cataract removed from my left eye via the usual invasive eye surgery. 
On Saturday, I had my right eye operated on for the same reason, too. 
By the way, this is an insurance related post! 
I use my eyes for my job (and a million other reasons too – who doesn’t?!) … so I started to consider, what would happen to me, my job, my income, my family if I lost my sight? 
The GOOD news is that this is a common surgery procedure, and I was expertly looked after by the surgeon and his team on both occasions. 
I have crystal clear sight again. My newly installed synthetic lenses will last a lifetime. And for the first time in nearly 30 years, I no longer need to wear glasses (except for close up reading). 
You need to know this > What is a cataract, and in particular, how old do you have to be to suffer from one (or two)? 
(the following is sourced from 
Firstly, cataracts are when the lens, a small transparent disc inside your eye, develops cloudy patches. 
Over time these patches usually become bigger causing blurry, misty vision and eventually blindness. 
When we're young, our lenses are usually like clear glass, allowing us to see through them. As we get older, they start to become frosted, like bathroom glass, and begin to limit our vision. 
Cataracts usually appear in both eyes. They may not necessarily develop at the same time or be the same in each eye. 
They're more common in older adults and can affect your ability to carry out daily activities such as driving. 
Cataracts can also affect babies and young children.” 
About 6 months ago, I was starting to go blurry and my check up identified the cataracts in both eyes. 
Most people start to develop cataracts after the age of 65 (source, I’m still in my 50’s and everyone told me I was very young to get them … which then made me think more about this condition, and for my Clients, it made me think about every single one of my Clients who would no longer be able to work if they lost their sight. 
How many people a year in the UK have cataract surgery? 400,000!!!! (source 
So, I implore you all. 
Be sensible about your stance on ‘invincibility’ and stop thinking that you are immune from any one of a million types of illnesses, diseases and conditions. 
My cataracts came about quickly. 
I was ok just 6 months ago. It swiftly started and the blurred vision was rapid. 
There are waiting lists for the NHS. 
In my area, the average waiting time for treatment is 16 weeks (source …… “average”. 
My condition fast became worse during the first 12 weeks since I first noticed it. 
I am lucky that I could pay for a private consultation which then sped up the process for me. 
Whether you have cash, or private medical insurance, or a critical illness policy, you may also need appropriate income protection insurance to cover any time off work that you may need too. 
Think about it. 
If you lose the ability to earn an income, how long will your savings last? 
Legal and General’s brilliant extensive report called “The Deadline to the Breadline” in 2022 uncovered that “The average UK consumer is just 19 days from the breadline” (source 
We are insurance advisers and we can provide you with access to insurance companies who can provide cover for you should you suffer with cataracts and need surgery. 
Aviva is one such insurer (source and they say “With Healthier Solutions, it’s easy as A, B, see .... Cataract surgery is covered as standard under our health insurance terms booklet if you're eligible. Once your GP has referred you, and if you’re eligible for treatment, you’ll get expert support and a choice of private hospitals. So it won’t be long until you can re-read that favourite book, start up the slightly fiddly craft project you’d put to one side, or drive to your friend’s house for a coffee and natter.” 
So, no gory pictures in this article, but the message is clear … and I hope that if you read this message that your vision will remain clear too (awful pun, sorry!). 
We want to show you the options and help you to make sure that your money, your savings, your INCOME, will remain intact and will continue to support you and your family. 
Do not ignore this message – check your finances, check your appropriate insurance plans and if you don’t have invincibility, immunity and immortality, I recommend that you call me asap and make sure that you do the right thing for you and your family and put in place the necessary financial foundation. 
Now I know why I called my Company “HD” …. It was a premonition of a clear future … HD Vision (my professional advice is much better than my jokes!) 
Howard Reuben 
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