Who are Mortgages For Actors?
Posted on 28th September 2020 at 18:19
Well, what if I told you that Actors, Actresses and those in the public eye actually have real trouble finding and securing a mortgage for their home or residential property?
Luckily for them, there is a new financial service dedicated to them!
Big Hollywood names have masses of money and do not struggle with buying anything! However, think about it a bit more broadly. There is more to acting than just Hollywood.
Theatre/ Stage/ TV/ Film/ Netflix/ Soap/ Documentary/ Comedy/ YouTube/ Musical/ Panto/ Education/ Health&Safety/ Training/ Extras/ Doubles/ Stuntperson/ Co-ordinators/ Military Advisers/ Realism Experts/ Continuity Advisers/ Writers… are all helped by our expert advisers, proven and experienced in this field.
Already they have helped lots of big and soon-to-be big names get their home as well as helping them secure a passive income through property investment!
What better way for someone on a short-term contract (or one that could have a sudden ending), to keep some money coming in?
For an actor or one of those mentioned above, finance is hard to come by as you need to take into account their income. They are often paid via contracts which can disappear overnight. Take Covid and the theatre industry for example, overnight the thousands of people who relied on nightly performances had their income taken away! For months! Missed payments and deferred payments have set credit reports wobbling across the industry and with this comes even more reason to not keep applying for a mortgage on the off chance that you get one.
Each application is a credit check, each decline is then declared…
When a mortgage lender checks out your affordability, they don’t just look at the ‘right now’, they look at the ‘what if’ and this means that as a contractor, a perfectly affordable mortgage could become a huge problem overnight.
With precise financial planning and a good amount of supporting evidence, one of the Mortgages For Actors dedicated advisers can prove to the right lenders what a good choice they would be to lend to.
With the right help, Actors can find their perfect home and be able to buy it with a mortgage.
Protect your credit, protect your time and get what you want before its gone!
Get in touch for a chat with one of our friendly advisers, no obligations, just helpful advice.
Helping those in the public eye on the path to property and protection.
Contact:- Austyn@mortgagesforactors.com
07500 871209
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