Welcome to the H D Consultants Risk Reality Calculator, powered by LV=.
Life is busy and taking time to pause, think and reflect is not always easy... let alone to think about the financial protection one might need. So, LV= created the Risk Reality Calculator to help raise people's awareness of the need for financial protection in an easy, clear and immediate way.
This H D Consultants Risk Reality calculator quantifies a person's risks based on four personal details and the results really help to bring reality home.
Appreciating none of us know what lies ahead, LV= want to encourage more people to put a financial back-up plan in place now - as it could make all the difference to that person's (and their loved ones) future financial security.
Click here, or on the image link below to open the Risk Reality Calculator. And when you get your immediate results online, you can also click on the 'save / print' button and your own personal report can be downloaded as a pdf for you to keep and refer to.