Free basic Single or Mirror (joint) Will, with every new policy or mortgage review (a saving of up to £130) 

Why Write a Will? Why review your life insurance & mortgage arrangements? 
Writing a Will is vital, simply because, when you die without your final wishes stated in a legally binding Will contract, the law will decide who gets what. This is carried out under the Laws of Intestacy, and your estate and loved ones might not receive what you had hoped for. Simply getting around to having your Will written can help to clarify your final wishes for your partner, your children, who should be guardians, what happens to your assets, who gets what, your funeral wishes etc. 
Common statistics show that around two thirds of those who die in Britain have no Will in place. Yet normally when we ask 'why haven't you got even a simple Will in place?' the usual answer is ... 'because I haven't yet got around to it' ... and not ever usually 'because I don't want one'. 
NOW is the time to arrange all of this. And we want to help you to arrange this ... for FREE. The usual price is up to £130 for our professional and fully insured online Will proposition, but we will fully fund this service - you pay nothing*. 
And it is so easy, too. The whole Will instruction process can be carried out on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC, all within 20 minutes.  
How and why are we doing this? 
We know that most people who approach us do not already have the best value mortgage in place for their home or buy to let properties, and neither do they have 'fit for purpose' life insurance policies arranged.  
H D Consultants is a mortgage and protection specialist Firm. Established since 1993, we are expert, experienced, qualified, authorised and a multi Adviser Team of brokers, advisers and consultants. 
Many people change their mortgages (term and amount) over the years, and of course families situations can easily change through marriage, children, other dependants, splitting up, moving homes, etc. ..... but even though the mortgage may change to fit the new property, we know that life insurance policies aren't always updated at the same time. 
We can look at your mortgage and insurance plans and we will tell you whether what you have is adequate, over insured, best value, under insured, too expensive, or perfect. Whatever the answer, we would, in the first place, need to review your arrangements with you, and we will then be able to make formal and professional recommendations. 
Our normal 'day job' is that we want to help you have the most suitable, best value, flexible and robust financial security arrangements in place for you and your family (and business). 
And so to add to that, if you agree to review your life insurance and / or mortgage arrangements, we will arrange for you to have a brand new basic Single or Mirror Will, saving you up to £130 too. The first step to qualify for this, is that you MUST agree to (and carry out) a review via the enquiry form on this web page. 
Win, win, win, or as someone said to us recently, "it's a no brainer".  
* If you choose to store your Will via this process, there is a nominal £14 per Will per year fee. HOWEVER, this storage service also includes FREE, UNLIMITED CHANGES should you need to amend or update your Will in the future.  
These products are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and we are not authorised via PRIMIS Mortgage Network to advise on them. These will be referred to a third party. 
Storage is not compulsory, it is entirely your choice if you wish to safely store the Will to include the 'no cost to change' service. 
Follow every step to receive a FREE single or mirror Will via our third party associates. NOTE These products are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and H D Consultants is not authorised via PRIMIS Mortgage Network to advise on them. These will be referred to a third party. 
Step 1) Send us your initial information via the form below 
Step 2) To qualify for the FREE Will - you must complete a life insurance or mortgage review, and then, ...... 
Step 3) .... after the review, we will ensure that your legally binding, valid and professionally drawn up Will is arranged for you ... at our cost .... saving you up to £130 
To qualify for the Free Will package, complete the form below, and one of our Consultants will call you back. 
H D Consultants. Contact details here Broker Log In / BrokerCentre here 
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. 
We normally charge a Professional Client Fee for mortgage advice. The amount will depend on your circumstances. A typical fee would be £500. The actual Professional Fee may be more or less than this, and is subject to a full Fact Find discussion and research process. H D Consultants is a trading name of Howard Reuben who is an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, which is a trading name of Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd. Personal Touch Financial Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This site is for UK Consumers only. Website Terms and Conditions click here for our Privacy Policy. GDPR Privacy Policy - click here (PDF download / view) This site contains third party links. By clicking these links you will depart from the H D Consultants' regulated site. H D Consultants nor PRIMIS Mortgage Network is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained within the linked site. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some of the services listed. H D Consultants, mortgage and life insurance advisers, is authorised by the FCA no 403701. Our in house Wills and Trusts Practice is a long standing Member of the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners.  
FP Ref: 1436009 / exp 25.08.2025 
Long established, recognised, national nominees and award winners for our professional mortgage services;